Cloud Migration AWS vs. Heroku

June 28, 2022

Cloud Migration Options: AWS vs. Heroku

Are you ready to migrate to the cloud but unsure which cloud provider to choose? AWS and Heroku are two popular cloud platforms, but which one is better for your business? In this blog post, we’ll compare AWS and Heroku’s cloud migration services to determine which platform is best suited for your cloud migration needs.

The Similarities

Before we start with the differences, it’s important to note that both AWS and Heroku offer similar cloud migration services. Both platforms provide tools, support, and documentation to help businesses migrate their applications to the cloud. Both platforms also offer scalability and fault-tolerance features that help businesses handle increased traffic and activity.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a widely-used cloud platform that offers a vast array of services to developers and businesses. AWS’s cloud migration services are highlighted by AWS Migration Hub, which is a single place to monitor and manage migrations from multiple sources. AWS’s migration tools also allow for easy database migration, server migration, and application migration.

AWS can be considered as a powerful platform that has a lot of third-party integrations, and it allows users to configure their cloud infrastructure and services. With more than 90 services, it has a wide range of options to cater to varying business requirements.


Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that focuses on allowing businesses to deploy and run their applications without worrying about infrastructure management. Heroku is developer-friendly with access to an extensive library of add-ons that make application deployment easier.

Heroku is a fully-managed platform with reduced complexity and focuses on the end-to-end experience. It is considered as a user-friendly platform and has a noticeable ease of use, which makes developers' jobs easier and allows them to better focus on their primary tasks.

The Differences


One of the most significant differences between AWS and Heroku's cloud migration services is their pricing. AWS commonly accepts a pay-as-you-go pricing model while Heroku has a more structured pricing model. AWS also has different configurations for different business sizes and offers flexible pricing models, which allow businesses to optimize their resource usage based on their requirements. In contrast, Heroku is more focused on developers' needs and offers fully-managed services, fixed pricing, and a more straightforward system.


Both platforms offer scalability with AWS being more scalable than Heroku. AWS offers more customization options with its services and allows users to customize their infrastructures. This means that the level of scalability AWS can offer to businesses is unparalleled as it caters to businesses of all sizes. On the other hand, Heroku has a more fixed infrastructure that may not allow the same level of scalability as AWS.


AWS also offers more backup options than Heroku, providing users with different options for backup schedules and configuration. AWS’s backup options also come with added features such as real-time backups, point-in-time recovery, and backup replication to different regions. In contrast, Heroku has fewer backup options, but it still offers users the option to backup their data and applications.


Choosing between AWS and Heroku can be challenging. AWS is ideal for businesses that require more customization options and scalability, while Heroku is a better option for businesses that want to focus on application deployment rather than infrastructure management. When deciding between the two platforms, it’s important to consider your business's specific needs, requirements, and budget.

We hope this comparison has given you a better understanding of AWS and Heroku's cloud migration services. Whichever platform you choose, we wish you the best of luck with your cloud migration.


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